Creating Content That Actually Works with Startup Hypeman Pitch Artist Whitney Durmic

We all know what it feels like to be on the receiving end of really good content.

Whether it's a funny meme, an inspiring video, or an insightful whitepaper.

Why then, are so many startups *so bad* at CREATING content for their audience?

Is it bad source material, bad measurement, or just plain being bad at content?

Whitney Durmick spent a half-decade running content for the Oracle startup accelerator and knows a thing or two about what clicks, connects, and converts.

After several months freelancing with Startup Hypeman, she recently joined our team as FT employee #1 as a Pitch & Content Artist.

In this episode, she and I step to the mic so that YOU can get to know who's really #1 at Startup Hypeman now, and unpack what goes into creating good content.

She also was a nomad before being a nomad was cool and shares her lessons learned along the way.

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Whitney is also hopping into our member community, GOAT to Market Club, for an Ask Me Anything the entire week of this episode's launch date. Got Q's you want to ask Whitney personally? Join for free today!

This episode was brought to you by our friends at Akava. Akava is THE software development partner to help you go from zero to 1. Startups like Stride Health, Haveno, Olive, Side, and more trust Akava from their first dollar all the way to their billion-dollar valuation, and they're ready to help YOU become the GOAT to Market. Learn more at

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