How To Make Your Sales Process More Creative


Sometimes I make internal process updates that customers will never see, purely for the sake of keeping things fun and fresh.

My most recent update was tagging the different stages of my sales process with NBA Jam catchphrases.

So now it's:
1. Discovery Call - First Shot Made
2. (if qualified) Demo Review Completed - He's Heating Up
3. (if interested) Proposal Delivery Meeting - Boom Shakalaka!
4. Contract Sent - He's On Fire!

It's more fun to say I'm heating up and boom shakalaka than "this deal has advanced to the next stage" *pushes in nerd glasses*

Do you have any quirks to help keep your work fresh, or am I the crazy lone wolf here?

Stay Hyped,
RajNATION - The Startup Hypeman

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