The Golden Rule For Personalizing Cold Emails


The Golden Rule for personalization in cold email:

Do it really well, or don't do it at all.

Seriously. If you're going for it, go the distance (whether manually or with software) to actually personalize it. Otherwise don't bother and just send a blanket email -- a totally fine alternative.

If you half-ass your personalization, it will backfire more than it will help you.

Simply saying "I saw your LinkedIn profile" and then giving your pitch, like the example below, is half-assed personalization. There's zero connection between my profile and their pitch, and I can smell automation by the second sentence.


It straight up does not feel good to get an email like this. In fact, it feels kind of gross.

My inherent response is "Really? You used a merge tag to try and game me to respond? Really?"

If you're gonna personalize, tell me what in my profile was a fit, or did I post something that would match why you'd reach out or did I comment on someone else's post that's in the realm of what you provide, etc.

Otherwise, just send a templated email with no personalization and you might at least get me to read your value prop, instead of being annoyed you tried to 'game me'.

Don't make your prospects feel gross. Period.

Stay Hyped,
RajNATION - The Startup Hypeman

Related: Here’s Why Your Prospects Don’t Respond To Your Cold Emails

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