Why Your Sales Process Should Feel More Like A TV Show


When you watch an episodic TV show, it always starts with “Previously on _____”.

This is to remind viewers what they saw last week, and give those who missed it just enough detail to be brought up to speed for the current episode. 🏃🏾

Rarely do they jump in to the new episode without that “previously on”. 🤫

Demo calls should operate the same way. 👨🏾‍💻

If your demo call is a separate meeting from discovery, DO NOT dive right into your demo once everyone’s on the call. 🏊‍♀️

First give them your “previously on”, where you recap the first meeting to remind them what happened in your last ‘episode’, and bring any new participants up to speed. 📝

On a discovery call, don’t go straight into your Q&A. 💭

Give your “previously on” — recap the cold outreach or piece of content that sparked their interest in the first place, then proceed. 📰

You keep tuning in to your favorite shows because of the continuity.

Continuity is why you hate missing an episode, you don’t want to feel left out of the story. 😞

Create that same kind of continuity in your sales process, so that, instead of ghosting you, your buyers show up with anticipation because they don’t want to feel left out of YOUR story. 👀 👀

Stay Hyped,
RajNATION - The Startup Hypeman

Related: How To Win More Customers Today By Storytelling Like Martin Luther King, Jr.

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