3 Ideas To Improve Cold Email Follow-up Response Rates

After a 5-day holiday break, I returned to my inbox this morning with 100 unread emails.

Roughly 20% of them were follow-ups from people prospecting me.

The preview line showed they all started with some variation of:

"Hope you had a nice holiday!"

"Just following up on my previous email."

"Hope you've been well!"

I marked them all as 'read' without opening them.

And here's the thing, I'm not even an important person.

So just imagine someone who actually is important who returned to 300 unread emails. She's definitely skipping over all those.

Which means there's a lotta noise to breakthrough.

3 ideas to get responses, from the prospect's mind:

  1. My baseline is not an assumption that you wish I had a bad holiday or hope I'm unwell. Leave that line out. Assume I already know you wish me well. If it feels weird to not say it, try adding it in the p.s.

  2. Skip saying "Hi [FNAME]". Instead open with a question that forces me to form an opinion. The preview line will show part or all of the Q, making me curious. i.e. "What was your input on virtual events when it came up in your 2021 planning meetings?"

  3. Show me, don't tell me. Literally. Represent your value prop with a visual and ask for my take. The Justin Michael Method.

Stay Hyped,
RajNATION - The Startup Hypeman

Related: The Golden Rule For Personalizing Cold Emails

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